Event Dates

Jul 26, 2021
Jul 30, 2021
Add to Calendar 20210726T0800 20210730T1500 Grassland Society of Southern Africa

For enquiries, kindly email the Administrator at info@grassland.org.za.

Grassland Society of Southern Africa info@grassland.org.za

Presenter responsibilities

Platform presenters

  • Ensure that you attend the full session that you are presenting in. 
  • Be available at the end of the session to participate in the live Q&A session.
  • Q&A's will take place at the end of the session, including any additional questions for the keynote speakers. 
  • Have a copy of your PowerPoint presentation available and ready to share on-screen in case a question refers to one of your slides. 
  • Be part of the discussion with your fellow panellists.

Poster presenters

  • Poster presenters should participate in the Twitter sessions where questions on your presentation may be posted. Remember the Twitter handle is @GrasslandSocSA and the hashtag to use is #GSSACongress56.
  • Feel free to Tweet and re-Tweet and get your friends and colleagues involved.

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