Event Dates

Jul 26, 2021
Jul 30, 2021
Add to Calendar 20210726T0800 20210730T1500 Grassland Society of Southern Africa

For enquiries, kindly email the Administrator at info@grassland.org.za.

Grassland Society of Southern Africa info@grassland.org.za

Log in to your Dashboard

All existing users, please use the same login details as before or alternatively reset your password. You will have an existing user account if:

  • You have attended a previous webinar or Congress; or
  • You were a co-author of an abstract submitted for Congress.

All new users first need to register as a user on this website. This creates a user profile and gives access to an individual Dashboard from which delegates can register to attend Congress or any future events. 

By default, your log-in details are sent to the email address you used during the registration process. Please follow the instructions for the fields given below, and contact the Administrator at info@grassland.org.za if you encounter any difficulties.